Educational offer

The English Playhouse is the English speaking, fully registered preschool and nursery which follow British curriculum as well as the requirements of the Polish Ministry of Education.

All classes are conducted in English. We accept children from 1 year old who not only will grow in the English speaking environment but also develop their life skills through multisensory education. 

Children aged 4+ are introduced to Jolly Phonics literacy system which master their reading and writing skills. Mathematical development is implemented in early years in everyday play and later on also using Heinemann and Pearson materials. There are also separate Polish lessons for Polish speaking children aged 5 and 6.

English Playhouse curriculum

1-2 years


At this stage we introduce the littlest ones to the world of social skills, showing them how to play together and understand each other’s feelings. Playtime remains important and fun, with quiet times doing more structured activities. We awake the beginnings of problem solving and planning skills with different types of toys and games, we assist children in the process of going through their emotions. Our caring early years teachers are an essential source of security and comfort, allowing the little ones to take the first big step from home as smoothly as possible. Self-care skills and independence are encouraged at this age.

3 years


An increased interest in joint play such as make-believe, construction and games helps children to learn the important social skills of sharing and cooperating. Children also learn more about helping adults in everyday activities, and are encouraged to make healthy choices in food and exercise. A wide range of interesting materials and activities are used to introduce them to the new world of literacy and numeracy, and as the children’s language becomes more complex we help to develop their speech and vocabulary. Self-help and independence is further practised in areas such as eating, dressing and toileting.

4+ years


Programme of Reception, Y1 and Y2 intensely develops literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills. Using the Oxford Reading Tree and Jolly Phonics literacy systems the children make significant progress with reading and writing. We use Abacus and Heinemann Maths materials to teach numeracy (counting, adding, subtraction and recognising numbers). We embark on more challenging activities with a wider range of materials and resources. Children learn and play more in groups to develop their social skills.